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A cherry on a Vienna Cake – the First Colway International Open Meeting in Austria

A cherry on a Vienna Cake – the First Colway International Open Meeting in Austria

They started in November and have grown their business significantly since then. Colway International is taking the Austrian market by storm. On the 13th February, regardless of the epidemics of seasonal flu, over 60 Partners turned up to take part in the  Open Meeting.

The meeting was organised by Martha Goerth with her husband and their daughter. The President Bernard Jastrzębski spoke about the need to find your own talents within.  The Partners also learnt about active ingredients used in Colway’s skin care and supplements.

The meeting, although very professional and business orientated, was filled with positive energy. Lots of emotions and, most importantly, the tips from the President who can listen to other people and fulfil the needs of the audience, says  Martha Goerth.



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